Shelter Needs & Donation Guidelines
Thank you so much for considering donating to Barren River Area Safe Space, Inc. With the help and support from our
amazing community, we are able to provide items that victims of domestic violence need to survive, and also items that
survivors of domestic violence need to thrive. We ask that all potential donors give us a call at 270-781-9334 to
discuss which items we are currently in need of. Unfortunately, sometimes storage space prohibits our acceptance of donations.
Current Shelter Needs
Individually wrapped snacks
Apple sauce, pudding, or fruit cups
Granola or cereal bars
Body wash
Individual cereal cups
Juice, juice boxes, sports drinks
Lotion, lip balm, hair spray
Hair dryers, flat irons, hair brushes
Journals and pens
Laundry detergent pods
Infant/children's medicine
Tylenol, Aleve, Benedryl, etc.
Ready to microwave meals
Shampoo, conditioner, body wash

Items Our Clients Love:
Unopened, unexpired shelf stable food - canned goods, cake mixes, individually wrapped snacks, juice, pasta/sauce
Personal hygiene items(full size) - shampoo, conditioner, lotion, razors, toothbrushes, hair ties, body wash, textured hair care products, menstrual products, diapers
New or very gently used clothing, coats and shoes - leggings, sweat pants, tee shirts, and hoodies
New under garments - panties, boxers, bras, socks
New or gently used home goods - usually only furniture, appliances and cookware
New or gently used baby items - swings, high chairs, baby gates, baby/toddler beds
Gift cards - grocery stores, Walmart, gas stations
Cooked/catered meals - food is a great way to warm the heart! Our staff loves catered meals too, so they can focus on advocacy instead of cooking!
Cleaning supplies - disinfectant, dish soap, laundry pods, paper towels, toilet paper, household cleaners
New linens - pillows, bedding, towels
Items We Cannot Accept
Damaged, soiled or stained items of any kind
Used under garments, including socks
Large quantities of used clothing at one time (usually no more than 2 bags)
Open, expired or damaged food or hygiene items
Travel size toiletries
Bars of soap
Alcohol or tobacco products
Home décor